Monday, April 29, 2013

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

His deep blue eyes scanned the room, eyeing for intruders. Finding none, he sighed, satisfied. He wanted no one to bother him as he napped. Though, he really never did.

He tried to get up, only for his scaly head to hit the cavernous ceiling. He roared in anger, the earsplitting shriek echoing through the darkness. His claws scraped loudly across the ground, shredding his steak meal into scraps of ripped up meat like nails on a blackboard. “Servant!” He yelled, his deep, loud voice, blaring through the tunnels. He twisted his gigantic tail slightly, accidently smacking it into the wall with a sound like a volcano eruption, as rocks sprayed down from the wall and mice scurried out of the ruins.

“Yes?” The servant squeaked, his expression mortally terrified. “Da- do y-you n-n-need anythu-thing?” He stuttered.

“I need a larger room.” The beast grumbled. The servant quickly nodded, a bit too fast, clambering out of the room in an effort to get out. “Wait.” The beast ordered. The servant came to a saddened halt.

“Wha-what is it you need yo-your highness?”

“A new meal as well.”

“Ye-yes your highness.”


The servant raced out of the room in terror, rushing so quickly he nearly tripped down the creaky staircase leading to the kitchen.

Back down in the cave, looking at the great pile of boulder and crumbling stone that used to be a cave wall. He sighed, staring at his long claws. “I wish I didn’t have such a temper.” He yelled at himself. He walked through the tunnels, his heavy footsteps thundering through the halls like a herd of elephants.

He stopped at a small lake of cool, misty water that was more of a puddle from his height. He stared into his reflection, disgust staining his soulful eyes. “Why do I have to look so terrifying?” He growled to his reflection angrily, his eyes crackling with anger and sadness like a flicking match. In his anger, he , whipped his claws through the water, spraying musty splashes over his scaly back. He backed away from his reflection. “I deserve to live in this disgusting cave.” He thought. “I’m mean and ugly and have a bad temper. I deserve to be so terrible and ugly.” He halted at this thought.

“Wait a moment!” He yelled to himself. His eyes weren’t stained with disgust, now they were stained with darkness. “It is the kingdom’s fault!” He blamed angrily. “They are the ones that keep me so ugly in this dark cave. I wouldn’t have such a temper if they bothered to be kind!” He went along like this for a while, plotting in his mind and shouting out his storm of ideas.

His eyes glowed with hate. “I will do anything.” He sneered. “To get sweet, sweet, revenge…”

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