Friday, April 19, 2013

Chapter 4

                                    Chapter 4 

Sunstreak leaped through the long grass blades, laughing and rolling around in the late spring green. Beams of bright sunlight glazed her golden fur. She was about to pounce on a rabbit, when she heard the soft patter of pawsteps approaching.

 “Who are you?” She growled, her fur bristling. She leaped onto the stranger’s white fur, her claws hanging on tight, and her sharp fangs sinking into the light coat. The stranger leaped up, scraping Sunstreak’s underbelly with sharp claws. Sunstreak backed away, and spat out the foul white fur sickening her taste buds.

                  “Who are you?” She asked again. She got no answer. She gripped the attacker’s ear, twisting it with her claw. The two cats turned into a writhing mass of fur and fangs. Finally they both lay down, exhausted but still glaring with anger.

                  “Its me.” Whiteclaw barked through clenched teeth. “Whiteclaw.”

                  “Whiteclaw?” Sunstreak repeated.

                  Whiteclaw nodded. “I just joined the Dawn Forest wolves and Mangopelt accidently transported me here.”

                  Sunstreak sighed. “Soon, I’ll be expected to rule over all of the regions.”

                  “But won’t it be grand being a leader?” Whiteclaw replied. “Oh, I see. It’s a lot of responsibility.”

Sunstreak’s eyes misted with tears. “Sometimes I just feel like taking a break from all the training and having days like these.” Sunstreak flipped onto her back next to Whiteclaw.
The morning drifted by as the two cats watched the trees rustle in the hazy wind. They talked more, smiling and frowning and laughing together. Even after their unpleasant first meeting,
Sunstreak considered this strange cat to be her friend.  She could tell her anything, and Whiteclaw had a kind empathy that helped Sunstreak feel better.

 Soon Sunstreak felt her responsibilities drifting away from her mind, and she actually seemed to be enjoying herself.

They padded through the sunny day, climbing great oaks that cast long shadows over the earth, and dreaming and laughing and running after each other. Sunstreak gave Whiteclaw a tour, explaining every shadowy corner, sunny field, lake, castle, great oak, or even patch of dirt they saw. Sunstreak had a story for everything. “This is the tree where me and Shadepaw invented leaf pie.” She chuckled at the memory. “I still remember taking the first bite.” Seeing Whiteclaw’s puzzled expression, she quickly explained that Shadepaw, now Shadestorm, was her brother, who had been sent to a different region for his first quest.

 “I understand how you feel.” Whiteclaw replied. “Silverkit is still in the dawn forest. He’ll probably make me write a novel about my adventures here.”

Soon the cheerful day was drawing to an end, and the two young wolves took a quick splash in a pond. “Its called Holsy Pond.” Sunstreak looked wistfully at the great body of water, memories flooding into her mind. She quickly pushed them away, and let herself take in the warm, soothing scents drifting from the great body of  water.

“I think we should be heading back.” Whiteclaw said, shaking the water of her snowy coat. Sunstreak agreed.

“Follow me.” She instructed. “I have a quick way to get back to the castle.” After trudging threw mud and puddles and treaching over large boulders, they arrived. Their cheerfulness quickly drained away as they spotted Lakestar sitting at the entrance, with a stern expression and a tail twitching with anger. They knew right away, trouble was coming.

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